Carla Dickhaut's - Youth Worker

Carla’s strengths come from working in a dynamic and complex environment – having responsibility for the well-being of people, especially children - as a Child and Youth Worker, an Aboriginal Youth Worker, and in Outreach and In-Home Support.  Carla is a FASD Stakeholder.

·  She has counselled high risk youth, helping them to manage their addictions, learn self respect and show respect for others, and make the transition to independent living. 

·   Supported aboriginal youth in gaining  insights into their aboriginal culture and learning ways to utilize the knowledge and wisdom of these traditional teachings to appreciate how wonderful their culture is and to give them a sense of self and belonging.

·  Taught life skills. 

·  Worked with youth in skill mastery to help them find and maintain a job,  to form and maintain better relationships.

·  Taught parenting and empowerment of the parent.  Worked with parents, schools and other individuals who formed the child’s community to help them learn team building strategies for when agencies step out of their supportive role. 

·  Counselled families in: family violence, work skills, relationship  and behaviour management.

·  Worked in crisis or suicide intervention programs




Carla engaged in a variety of conferences, workshops, and various certification programs related to her field  – FASD, parenting practices for foster parents, bullying, equine assisted healing, outreach and home support.  She is a certified Response Ability Pathways (RAP) trainer for Circle of Courage.

Carla has a calm resolve that she believes comes from  her lifelong experience with equine combined with the deeper understanding of human  interaction and self-healing that she received through her aboriginal learning experiences.  No matter what her undertaking Carla has strived to approach her client relationships with integrity and strength of character.

“Carla is highly skilled in practical conflict resolution, and behavioural modification approaches, and human psychology in general.  She has thrived in the disability service, and is excellent in all aspects of service delivery and supporting the corporate culture.  This person is a natural team builder and leader.”   

from a letter addressed to Spirit of Eight


Carla and Her Horses

More About Carla's Aboriginal Education

Read About Carla and Equine Assisted Healing

Which Equine Assisted Healing Program is Right for You?


Helping People to Develop New Behavior

 Pathways to Overcome Challenges

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